Thursday, October 25, 2012

Weight of Words

Works and deeds trail behind each of us
in lines upon the pages of the minds of those
who have seen.
And because his own thoughts are not recorded
as his past, he can sense it's their perception as what
has kept him from being free.

No one really writes an autobiography.

But to turn the page to another day,
and make a change
so other's can feel his emotions
 - what he really wants them to capture,
he would have to be obvious and loud with his intentions
in order to make it to the next chapter.

Even though he is through with what is done,
it is not through with him.
And what their eyes see
develop on his page
within their speech.
Some words are light,
showing the good and being polite,
making good changes easy
as he tries to turn pages
feeling in control of what is written down.
But the weight of words
within the leather bound
novel labled "His Name"
will never be erased
and will continue to be filed,
and those with greater heft
neither can be reconciled.

Jordan R Shaver 10.25.2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thank You

I would like to take a moment and thank everyone who visits this blog. Since August 2010 I have been lucky enough to have 3000 pageviews, which makes me feel that the content of my work is recieved well and inspires me to keep on writing. Don't forget to check the tabs on the right to get a month-by-month view of past works.
Feel free to comment - constructive criticism and topic requests are always welcome. Thank you again, and have a GREAT day!

Jordan R Shaver10.16.2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Live in the Light, Dream in the Dark

Run on
into the darkness,
beyond the light of your own inspiration.
And keep running,
deep into the future,
to where the history of your thoughts
and memories
are but a lighted dot
when you turn to reflect.
And that light grows,
speeding toward you
as though you've broken a law,
and consequences are never far behind.

In that time of deep dark,
living in a world you've never thought
or built with your own passions.
Find those few seconds
and refuse the expanding worry,
but try to settle in and look around
and envision a life
unlike your own.

Once those lights envelop
your life once again,
you'll finally understand
all others
- within.

Jordan R Shaver 10.09.2012