Tuesday, March 11, 2014


I've been away from the noise and the chaos for a while.
What wond'rous crowed where we'd all rise together.
Our touching elbows and mingling pools of sweat unify.
Our temperaments meet and settle together
 - hanging on one tone.
I've been away from the enveloping music.
The best friend strangers.
The smells.
Oh God the smells.
I've been away from that high that carries us all home safely.
Our sticky sweat burning our flesh in the cool breeze of open windows.
That late night binge
where the food awakens our taste buds,
and the pleasure of each bite forces our eyes shut for better concentration.
The baptismal of a next-morning shower.
The invigoration of widening eyes, an afternoon run, and the anticipation of doing it all again that very night.
That intoxication of individual experiences which don't typically intoxicate.
But together,
together they blind us with memories we'll never recollect.

Jordan R Shaver

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